Photo Gallery (OFC/Transmission/Switching)

Before jointing two optic fibers, they are to be cut perfectly. For this purpose, a special equipment is used called as CLEAVER.  The display is from the DTTC Chennai Exhibition

For joining two fibers, OPTIC FIBER SPLICING MACHINE is used.
This display from DTTC Chennai Exhibition.
Fiber splicing is shown practially to Industrial visit and inplant students.

How optic fiber enters into the Telecom Equipment Room. How it is jointed and How it is terminated to the PCBs.
This model is kept in the DTTC Chennai Exhibition

Transmission equipment systems (SDH) in
DTTC Chennai Exhibition

This is underground-cable locator. One componenent (which is standing)  generates Radio frequency.
This frequency is induced intothe cable lying under the ground. Using the Detctor (which is lying in the above image) is  used to detect the cable. Just walk on the route carrying this detector. you will hear audible sound which cable is present.
This display is kept at DTTC Chennai Telecom Exhibition

This is a morse key and sounder which was used for sending telegram.
This working model is kept  at DTTC Chennai Telecom Museum

Various types of old model telephone instruments
which are kept at   DTTC Chennai Telecom Exhibition

Various types of underground cables such as paper core cable, coaxial cable.
This display is kept at DTTC Chennai Telecom Museum cum exhibition

30 channel Pulse code modulation equipment which works on Time Division Multiplexing.
This display is kept at DTTC Chennai Telecom Museum cum Exhibition